a woman studies how to become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator

5 steps to become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator: get your doula or midwife career booming or start brand-new

There are many ways to become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator. Most of the options for training to teach hypnobirthing classes come by way of the HypnoBirthing Institute. But today we're going to share with you a few reasons to consider training with HelloBirth, starting with some simple steps to becoming certified. After reading this post, be sure to check out more information on our upcoming hypnobirthing teacher training! Hope to see you there. *We've updated this post January 2023 to include new details on how to become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator!

5 key steps to become hypnobirthing certified and start your birth business

Step 1: Sign up for childbirth educator training

With HelloBirth, you'll attend the 4-day virtual workshop. It is mandatory and will not be recorded for replay purposes, so birth doulas, get your trusty back-ups lined up! While we'd love to be accommodating and flexible, full attendance is the best way to ensure you're fully prepared to lead your own hypnobirthing classes.

Check out the training day schedule and outline. We recommend lining up care for your kids, pets, etc., heading to a dedicated space with a reliable internet connection and having the latest version of Zoom installed. You'll be all set and ready to learn to teach hypnobirthing! If you want to let us know about any learning accommodations you might need or brainstorm ideas for how to make this work, please drop us a line: info@hellobirthclass.com // We are happy to support you in any way we can.

Step 2: Prepare for your certification process with our team & become a certified childbirth educator

We're actually not huge on certifications in the traditional sense. That's because we believe if our values align, you don't need to prove to anyone you're fit for this role. However, we do believe in having a clear process designed to help you feel more prepared. After training, you’ll complete and submit a filled business strategy template provided by HelloBirth and sign your HelloBirth Member Pledge.

Completing these steps earns you everything you'll need to teach: full access to all class materials, bonus support videos, and 1 year of free hypnobirth educator membership, renewing annually for $199. Membership renewal will be all you'll need to do in the future to continue your eligibility to teach. There are no re-certification fees with HelloBirth. Membership affords you community support and business resources. Want to understand a little more about how hypnobirthing benefits your community? Check out Top 5 hypnobirthing childbirth educator pros.

infographic describing the steps to become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator

Step 3: Start a hypnobirth business & build a team

So now you've become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator!

Go you! If you don't already have a practice serving clients in the childbearing year, you'll want to know how to start a hypnobirthing business and you probably want to know how you can Earn What You Deserve: Hypnobirthing Salary and Doula Salary Expectations.

While we will spend the entirety of Day 4 during the training discussing this, one of the first things you'll want to do is continue practicing what you learned in the workshop, out loud to yourself in the mirror or to anyone (even a pet) who will listen and give you a chance to hear the material in your voice and practice the flow. In fact, you'll want to teach the HelloBirth curriculum in real time at least 2 more times after training before leading a live class. Trust us, it's worth every second you'll spend.

As for building a birth business team, that part is really up to you. But we definitely recommend considering a partnership in this work so that you can cover for each other during illness, vacation or other important events. It's also very important to recognize any weak spots you may have and hire support to fill in those gaps (social media, website design, etc.)

Step 4: Market your hypnobirth business the right way

Nothing worth doing is ever easy, right? We won’t lie and say that if you become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator it will be easy, or that marketing your hypnobirth business won’t take some leg work. Not only does our training offer tips for getting started, such as “How to Brand Your Hypnobirthing Doula Business,” you’ll also continue receiving that support through your HelloBirth membership. A lot of the suggestions found in 10 of our best tips to market your hypnobirthing business and attract your first clients, will be supported with resources and templates in your membership dashboard.

birth professional networks over the computerStep 5: Network with other birth doulas and health care professionals

This step could easily be the most important. Matter of fact, you probably shouldn't wait until all of the above is in place to begin working on it. As you network with birth doulas who don’t offer classes, they’ll easily become one of your best sources of referrals. While networking with health care professionals can seem intimidating, most of them are truly enthusiastic about offering their patients options for education outside of their prenatal care. You could be met with skepticism, but when they begin to see how well-prepared their patients are for their labors, they’ll start flagging you down to say, “Wow! What are you teaching in your birthing classes? Tell me more!”

And last but not least, here are our top 3 reasons you should become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator specifically through HelloBirth:

Fresh and light, well-designed materials

HelloBirth provides a lovely Birth Guide for the students to tuck into their birth bag with hypnosis scripts for the partner, simple practice steps to follow for optimal skill-based results, and plenty of practical tips for the big day and the immediate postpartum time.

You'll find tear-out sheets for Birth Preferences, a "Hypnosis In Session" door sign, and a handout to give to the care provider providing them with an at-a-glance overview of what support looks like for their hypno-patient.

We also provide you with a comprehensive teaching guide, your roadmap for facilitating the 4-class curriculum as designed.

We provide every instructor and their students with access to our HelloBirth app, where they'll be able to easily access their class materials and audio sessions, organized by week into playlists.

Support to help you design your own best hypnobirthing-based business

We provide a lot of well-thought-out guidance, but we don't set forth a lot of rules that are hard to follow. After you become a hypnobirthing childbirth educator, we support you in bringing to life exactly how, when, and where you want to bring this curriculum to your local market.

Hypnobirthing classes are typically very popular, and HelloBirth pledges to set you up for success with best-in-class hypnosis and eye-catching materials that represent and include an array of different needs so that your students will feel safe, included, and supported in your care.

Learn to use inclusive language with HelloBirth

You won't find any terms like "hypnomama" or "husband coached" in our curriculum. That's because birthing individuals are all different, with different gender expressions, cultural expressions, and more. A good example would be the difference between talking about exclusive breastfeeding as the norm and HelloBirth's approach, which is to speak to different forms of infant feeding including methods of providing human milk or formula to the baby.

When participants enroll in your classes they will feel the warmth of seeing themselves represented in the language and some of the photos. We know we can't speak to every person, but we have provided a thorough education that avoids -isms and phobias and we take care to talk about these subjects with our instructors during training. Please feel free to address your students individually by their names and any descriptors that make them feel most comfortable. Of course, that includes mother, mom or mama. Until you get to know your students better, just use their first names! Did you know people respond more positively to new information if they hear their name stated?

Hypnobirthing childbirth educator FAQs

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