10 of our best tips to market your hypnobirthing business and attract your first clients
Learning how to market your hypnobirthing business and attract your first clients takes time, patience and hard work. But it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Get your childbirth education business off to a solid start with HelloBirth's top 10 tips.
#1 Attracting your first hypnobirth clients can be as easy as picking up the phone
- Make a commitment to picking up your phone 1-2 times per week. We know, we know. Who does that? With all the spam calls we get, who answers their phone anymore? We're encouraging ourselves too as we tell you, let's get old-fashioned here. Whether you're on the dialing or the answering end, the point here is to make one or two new connections every week. Set up your voicemail with a professional greeting, so that even if you can't answer, it's more likely you'll receive an exciting message from someone who genuinely wants to connect with you. We provide simple tools like a professional voicemail greeting script in the HelloBirth membership dashboard, as well as a list of practitioner categories you may want to connect with.
#2 Market your hypnobirthing business with a resource list for your future clients
- Once you've made a connection that feels exciting to you, add this person and their contact information to your resource list and begin sending people their way for whatever service they offer. You're more likely to receive referrals in return, particularly if you are offering complementary (not free, but rather working-well-together) services.
#3 Learn how to create a hypnobirthing business website
- Get started with a basic website. Even if it's just a landing page / virtual business card to start out, that's OK. We highly recommend getting set up on WordPress or Squarespace so that you'll be poised for growth, as these platforms are more search engine friendly than others like Wix or Weebly. Even though WordPress is a little more daunting to get set up in the beginning, you're going to get far greater customization and results longer term. We'll give you the skinny on how to get set up on WordPress in the HelloBirth hypnobirthing educator training.
#4 Learn the basics of search engine optimization (SEO)
- Once you've got a basic website set up, you want to take a look at the way your front page is labeled. This is one of the major ways the search engine will be able to tell what your page is about. Take a look at your page title (what shows up in your browser on the tab), and make sure it's labeled with what your business is really about. For instance: "hypnobirthing classes in Leesburg, VA" and then you'll want to make sure the same key phrase is showing up in the headlines and paragraphs of your page. Images help, too. So name your images things like "hypnobirthing-classes-leesburg-va.JPG" and this will really help Google pick up what you want potential clients to know about you.
#5: Make sure it's easy to hire you
- Ask a friend to review your registration process. Is it simple and clear? How many steps does it take for people to enroll in your hypnobirthing class? Is it clear what the experience of attending class with you will be like?
#6 Stay true to your goals for how to market your hypnobirthing business
- When you're busy with regular life, keep your goals top-of-mind. Mention to your kid's teacher or your friend from the neighborhood what you're up to. Chances are they'll be excited and supportive and they'll tell their pregnant friend about it!
#7 Know your weaknesses
- Outsource what you're having trouble with. Frustrated with website creation? Not sure where to begin with social media or advertising? Or just feeling stuck? What about invoicing and administrative tasks. Consult an expert! There's absolutely no shame in not knowing what you don't know. No one knows everything about how to start a hypnobirthing business, but together, we know a lot! HelloBirth members receive our cultivated list of subject matter experts that we know and trust.
#8 Stay encouraged
- This one's a little more abstract, but as a small business owner, it's so important to be your own best friend. What do you say to your kid or your best friend (or your client) if they feel discouraged? You say, how can I help you? What do you need to feel supported? Say that to yourself! And keep on going! The world needs you.
#9 Prioritize rest
- Take time off. Yeah, it's so easy to force yourself to work harder when you're feeling overwhelmed. But we've learned through experience that sometimes the only way to gain renewed energy is to rest. It doesn't need to be a long, expensive trip away either. Just getting up and walking around the neighborhood while you take a phone call or prioritizing playtime with your pet can be enough to feel renewed. What makes you feel refreshed? Put it at the top of your to-do list. Better yet, when you return, give yourself a raise!
#10 Ask for reviews to help you gain your first hypnobirthing clients
- Enjoy the small successes. Take a look at how far you've come! You taught 1 student? Amazing! You got some great teaching practice under your belt. Did you remember to ask that student for a review on your Facebook or Google reviews? Even better! One client can easily turn into two more if we forget to be shy about asking for feedback. Made 1 phone call last week and it turned into a great conversation? Awesome. That's the way to figure out how to market your hypnobirthing business! You are doing it!