We believe…

Pregnant individuals are the authors of their experiences. They should be the key decision-makers as they move through their pregnancy journeys. If a change of plans becomes necessary, they remain the foremost expert when it comes to their mind-body experience.

Language is powerful. Our HelloBirth audio recordings take a trauma-informed approach, recognizing that while not everyone feels the same way about pregnancy or giving birth, every body deserves respect, validation and support.

Access is a priority. When you’re not reaching people, you don’t always know it. That’s why HelloBirth continually evaluates availability, taking deliberate steps to welcome and include those who may have been excluded from other forms of childbirth education.

Every HelloBirth instructor understands and respects that every person who gives birth deserves to be called by their name and pronoun(s).

Every person who attends a HelloBirth class will have a chance to see themselves reflected in class materials and content. The world is a diverse, beautiful, and complicated place. HelloBirth strives to represent a broad array of people and families in everything we create.